US L1 Visa
We help clients successfully accomplish their immigration-related objectives

The L-1 intra-company transferee classification is appropriate for the transfer of specified types of employees within multinational companies. This category permits a U.S. company to temporarily transfer certain employees from a properly affiliated foreign company.
The employee must be offered employment in either an executive / managerial position or in a specialized knowledge position to qualify for this classification. Executive / managerial transferees are given the L1A designation. Specialized knowledge transferees are given the L1B designation.
Large employers may be eligible to file blanket L-1 petitions with the USCIS, rather than filing individual petitions for each employee.
• To be eligible to file L-1 petition/s, a qualifying relationship must exist between the U.S. company and the foreign company. Qualifying relationships include parent company, branch, subsidiary or affiliate.
• The transferred employee must have been employed by the foreign affiliate for at least one continuous year within the three years prior to coming to the United States.
How We Can Help You
• The Reliance Global Immigration can guide and represent employers in the preparation of individual and blanket L-1 petitions.
• Our attorneys can consult with companies considering or initiating the establishment of new offices in the United States with regard to L-1 related planning for staffing a new office.
• We can provide representation and assistance in connection with L-1 visa applications at U.S. consulates.
• Our attorneys are available to consult with both employers and employees to discuss their options and responsibilities within the L-1 category.